As I drove back from the gym this morning I passed the local tool hire shop and was confronted by a new sign on their blackboard out the front of the store - "Leaf Blowers now in stock".
Oh good I thought (not!), I hate them with a passion.
It's not that I don't like autumn itself. It can seem like a sad time when summer first fades away but it's a beautiful time too - wonderful colours and usually not too cold..... but lots of leaves, everywhere. And here, I suppose, is where the leaf blower comes in. Now at risk of sounding very old and boring, I'd go so far as to say that for me, a leaf blower reflects most of what is wrong in today's society. It's about wasting energy to move a problem onto somebody else, rather than dealing with it yourself. What was wrong with the good old-fashioned rake? I used to love raking up leaves as a kid, still do in fact. When you rake leaves, you put them into a pile and you deal with them.... you don't just fire up the blower and blast them off your bit of pavement into the road or onto somebody else's property. It's the easy option but for me, not the best one.
I have to confess that we do own one of these gadgets.... but I didn't buy it, I don't approve of it and I have never used it. Maybe it's just a man thing that we women don't understand! What do you think?