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Tuesday, 1 September 2009


If you're reading this in England you may be returning to work after the Bank Holiday. It's a phrase that used to puzzle me as a kid - why Bank holiday? I used to wonder did just the bank people not work? Thinking back to recent events it might have been better if many of the high profile bankers had taken a prolonged holiday..... but then I guess many of them probably are doing so now - at our expense no doubt!

I was out running along the canal yesterday and felt it was unusually quiet everywhere. Notably there seemed to be a lot fewer people fishing then normal. Are the sort of people who fish the same people who go away for the Bank Holiday? Now I confess I'm not into fishing, I love eating fish and I used to keep marine fish as a child, before they got electrocuted.... but that's another story. It's not a sport that I can readily see the appeal of. My hunch is that most women feel the same as in all the time I have spent by the canal I don't think I have ever seen a woman fishing on her own. Yes I've seen a few small girls with their dads and a few chavvy looking teenagers sprawled on the bank, gum in mouth and Heat magazine in hand as their boyfriends fished...... but women actually fishing. A very rare site indeed. I did see two together on the opposite bank last week... almost wanted to stop and congratulate them - though for what I'm not quite sure!

This is the kind of stuff that goes through my head when I'm running... that and wondering why there seems to be a lot of single shoes about the place, on pavements, on the towpath etc. Don't people know they've lost them? There was a whole new six pack of Petit Filou yoghurts on the towpath at the weekend. Strange.... not near a shop or a fisherman, just lying there beautifully symmetrically on the path as if placed there deliberately. Gone when I passed by that way a couple of hours later though. Still, I guess you need something to pass the time if you're fishing!

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