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Friday, 21 August 2009


It was beautiful this morning, so I was up at 5.30am and running by 6am.
I managed a 9 miler before work and felt great about it all day.

For me, doing something extra early in the morning really sets me up for the day. Somehow knowing that you've achieved something, whatever it is, before your normal day gets under way, really gives you the edge all day.

It doesn't matter if running's not your thing, or if you're not a morning person..... but think about what extra little thing you can squeeze into your day that'll keep you smiling all day long. Now now..... keep it clean! (or not, choice is yours!)

Whatever it is, don't just think about it, actually do it.
I can't remember who said "Life is a series of little victories" but I couldn't agree more.

Have a great weekend.

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