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Sunday, 4 October 2009


Yesterday saw me do my first ever ultramarathon run (that's any distance longer than a marathon, 26.2 miles).
OK it was in training so only my trusty Garmin watch and I witnessed this (for me) momentous event.... but I did it and ran all the way.

It's been a good week on the running front as I also broke my personal best for 5 miles and got accepted for next year's London Marathon - excellent!

Work has also been really busy this week. The flu jabs have arrived, just the normal ones so far, not the swine flu ones, so were are busy giving these alongside doing all the normal stuff. The new partner interviews have led to us short-listing three candidates for round two. I'm sure that the fact that everyone looked so young has more to do with my advancing years than reality, after all, I was about the same age as most of them when I joined the practice back in 1994..... quite a sobering thought really.

It's been an interesting week on the coaching front too with telephone sessions and workshop preparation to keep me busy. Tomorrow morning I'm off to a networking meeting at a nearby hotel. I enjoy things like that, you never know who you are going to run into.

It's three weeks today until I'm due to run the Greensand marathon in Surrey. I haven't done a marathon since London in 2005 and have never done an off-road one. This one is also seriously hilly and run entirely on footpaths and bridleways. There is a real possibility of coming last too I reckon. This doesn't bother me, but the idea of being so slow that it's almost dark as I stagger back the last few miles does...... I think I'll slip a little torch into my pouch just in case. The clocks go back that day so there is an hour less daylight than usual.

Still, if that's all I've got to worry about, I must be pretty lucky. When you look at all the dreadful things that have happened in south east Asia this week - tsunamis, earthquakes etc. We must never forget that we are the lucky ones and always make sure we use every minute given to us to the best of our ability.

Right, I'm off now to watch X Factor - a sad but true confession.
Is it just me or aren't the best six acts ALL in the over 25 category and didn't you just know that Simon Cowell was going to get to mentor them? The only group that is even a quarter decent is the one made up of the three solo girls. And of course everyone has the obligatory story of bereavement, disappointment, being one of 14 children or of having struggled on the club circuit for ever..... but sometimes it's nice to switch off your brain and just watch something. Believe me, yesterday, after running 28 miles, was definitely one of those times!

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