Today's post was inspired by a presentation I gave in my network meeting. I belong to a branch of the WIBN (Women in Business Network) www.wibn.co.uk and we start every meeting by giving a one minute presentation about our business. I try and do something different each time - to make it memorable and humorous.
Today I decided to handcuff myself to promote my new series of workshops entitled "What's Holding You Back?" I'm giving three evening workshops on topics relevant to just about everyone I know!
1) Limiting Beliefs
2) How to Thrive in a Recession
3) Motivation
My point was that we all have a choice. We can either choose to stay in our comfort zone (even if it's not feeling too comfy) or we can BREAK OUT to the wonderful, balanced, exciting lives we deserve. It was at this point that I escaped the cuffs with a flourish!
If you're ready to escape your comfort zone, now is a great time to come along to one of my workshops. The details are on my website www.change-it-lifecoaching.co.uk If you're not local, why not book some one to one coaching sessions with me? As well as face to face coaching, I work with many of my clients on the telephone or via Skype (changeitlifecoaching). More details are on my site.
Remember, you can stay right where you are....... or you can choose to live the life of your dreams. It's your call.
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