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Tuesday, 31 March 2009


Yesterday was devoted entirely to networking - a vital part of building any business and a part that I have really come to enjoy. It is also one part of my life as a life coach that differs hugely from my life as a GP. GP's don't really need to network. We're just there. People find us. We don't need to advertise or put ourselves about so to speak. However, like coaching - it's very much about forging relationships and building a reputation.

I have had quite a few meetings with other business women in the last few weeks and I never fail to be amazed at just how much you can get out of these meetings if you go into them with the right attitude. The thing that always amazes me is the real generosity of spirit. There's a real sense of sharing, of camerarderie, of all being in it together. This sharing extends to information, contacts, ideas.... you name it.

If we both have an apple and we swop them, we've still got one apple each. But if we each have an idea and we swap them...... we've now both got TWO ideas. Probably just the process of discussing them will throw up a few more besides and so it goes on.

Being generous with our time and helping others is one of the greatest ways for us to contribute to the happiness of those around us, and subsequently to our own happiness. Think about your own life, your contacts and friends. What can you do for them that will make their life a little easier? Just thinking about it will probably bring a smile to your face. Go on - give it a try!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

great post - loved it!