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Tuesday, 7 April 2009


Last night I ran a workshop on Limiting Beliefs.
It's a subject that I find is hugely relavant to so many of my clients.

What things in your life do you believe in that are holding you back?
Where did they come from?
What purpose are these beliefs serving you?
What have you missed out on because you have continued to believe these things?

These topics and many more were covered last night and went down well with the attendees. We had a really great, highly interactive session. It's excellent when people realise thay are not the only ones to feel as they do and share ideas and strategies with others in a similar situation.

When I got home afterwards, I was asked if I had enjoyed it - "I loved it!" was my response - not a moment's thought needed......

Although those that came along really seemed to enjoy it and get something out of it too - I think the real winner there was me. I don't say that in any sort of arrogant way...... far from it. I see the opportunity to do this sort of thing, to get out there and talk to others about something you are really passionate about, as a huge privilege.

So come on. What do you really enjoy doing? What are you passionate about? Whatever it is, know that you have all the resources you need to succeed inside yourself and just go for it. Step out of your comfort zone and fly!

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