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Tuesday, 21 April 2009


It's been a little while since my last post. I'd love to say I've been away to sunnier climes or been doing something similarly exotic - but I'd be lying. The plain truth is I've been a victim..... of trying for perfection.

Let me explain.......

Sometimes in our lives we get stuck don't we? It's as if we can't move on with something until it's absolutley perfect? Does this strike any chords with you?

Regarding the blog, I've had lots of half-formed ideas for posts in the previous couple of weeks.... but nothing that was quite perfect. So instead of choosing something, anything,in fact..... inertia set in. Once you leave off doing something for a while, it gets harder and harder to get back into it.

Whilst contemplating this very fact this morning at 6.30am as I drove in to the surgery, it struck me that the most valuable lesson in this was accepting that being good enough is sometimes the best option at the time.

What have you been holding back from doing as you thought you weren't going to do it perfectly? Why not take this opportunity to decide that where you are, right now, is the best place to start from - and just go for it. That's good enough for me!

1 comment:

Mark said...

That's so right. I was talking with my wife the other day about our different approaches. She is all execution and no planning, I am all planning and no execution. For a family camping trip I joke that Dani would go at 10 minutes notice with "4 slices of bread and a tent". Conversely I would experiment with different configurations of camping equipment until autumn set in. You have to find a balance. Without planning, you squander opportunities. With too much planning - procracrastination - opportunities pass you by altogether. You have to know when it is time to say "go" and remember that your incomplete and imperfect ideas may be just right, even perfect, to somebody else :) Tiggers