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Saturday, 9 May 2009


I've spent the last two days up in london attending Michael Neill's Coaching Mastery course. It was absolutely excellent. For those of you not familiar with Michael, he is one of the world's top success coaches with lots of celebrities and film stars among his clients.

In spite of this he's a remarkably down to earth sort of guy. The course was wonderful and hugely inspirational. As always when coaches get together there was a great atmosphere of generosity and sharing. The attendees really learned a lot from eachother - as well as loads from Michael of course!

Meeting someone you have huge admiration and respect for can sometimes be a worry..... will they really live up to your image of them? I needn't have worried. Michael Neill not only met but far exceed my own expectations. Thank you Michael and everyone else who attended the course - fantastic.

Whilst there I gained a lot of clarity about my plans, so expect a few changes in my website soon. I'll keep you posted! Have a great weekend x

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am delighted that you did this course and got such a lot out of it. I have never met Michael but I have listened to many of his podcasts and watched his coffee cup coaching video's. No suprises that nice people get to work together. You are a wonderful coach already so after this, who know what will happen.........?

Cyber Hugs
Chris S