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Thursday, 5 February 2009


No, I don't mean the old TV series of the same name about the Roald Dahl stories...... although that did used to be great didn't it? Do you remember the one where the murderer hid the woman's body in the freezer and then fed some of it to the detectives who were investigating the crime? Similar to what happened in "Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistlestop Cafe". That's a brilliant film by the way if you haven't seen in.....

Anyway, what I was really referring to was the snow..... and then more snow today, just as we thought it was going away again. For those reading this from abroad you'll laugh at seeing how England pretty much grinds to a halt when a couple of inches of the white stuff come down. Still, it was certainly more than that here at the start of the week. My part of the country was hit on Sunday night with about 5 inches of snow - the most here for 18 years apparently. Well the kids' school was shut for two days and re-opened yesterday....... but we woke this morning to find it had all happened again. Unexpectedly. More snow, mass closures and chaos.

Still, it provides a welcome distraction from the credit crunch and it was great to see some happy, smiling faces on the news again.... even if it was just because so many schools were shut! What it did give many people was a break from their usual routine, an enforced time at home and a bit of breathing space. How did you use it if this happened to you? I hope you made the most of it, spent time with your family if you could and generally had some fun!

We never know what's round the next corner so grab life with both hands while you can and resolve to really make the most of every day. So whether you are at home, at work or somewhere in between - why not look for some small thing around you that makes you smile. When you find it.... let your smile show - because you don't need a reason to feel good!

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