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Saturday, 7 February 2009


So how have you been coping with the cold snap?
Have you been enjoying the recent snow/travel problems/school closures if you've had them?

I'm not really a great lover of the snow myself, it has to be said, but I do love the variety it brings to our weather. I would hate to live somewhere where the climate was too predictable. I guess knowing that we'd have a couple of months of sun in the summer would be rather nice though.......

If the cold, dark mornings are getting you down - do something about it..... start planning what you've got to look forward to later in the year. Maybe you've got a celebration coming up - a family birthday or wedding, perhaps it's a holiday or a visitor coming to stay. Maybe you are going on a course that really excites and inspires you? Perhaps you have tickets for a sporting event....... Watford in the FA Cup final maybe? OK, maybe that's pushing it..... but you see what I mean!

Thinking about something that you have got coming up is a great way to focus your mind. Maybe there are things you need to do to prepare for it and can start work on now. Why not make a list of those things and decide when you are going to do them?

Once you get yourself into a great state of mind by focusing on a future event, other ideas will start to flow. You'll be amazed at how creative you will become once you get your mindset right.
Let's face it - for most of us, there is so much to look forward to. If you're in reasonable health, with somehere to live and friends about you - you have an awful lot to be grateful for. So make the most of it now. Decide that this weekend is going to be a great one for you - and as they say at Nike - Just do it!

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