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Friday, 20 February 2009


Well it looks as if spring is well on the way here...... and not before time. One of the many things I love about living in England is the seasons and the unpredictable weather, but I can't say I'm sorry to see the back of the snow. A patient told me this week that she was just back from a three week holiday. It was apparently meant to be a two week one but on phoning home and hearing of the bad weather, she decided to extend it. Doesn't that sound good?

Well a bit of sunshine certainly seems to have put a smile back on most of the faces I have seen around this week - which is great to see. Personally I have had an excellent week, although I have very much missed my older son who is off skiing with the school. He returns tomorrow. I have managed 5 trips to the gym so far this week and what has pleased me the most is that I have restarted running.

Back in 2005 I ran the London Marathon. I had only begun running about a year previously so was very pleased to finish and even more pleased to have raised over £ 4000 for the spinal injury charity Aspire. Unfortunately since then I have had a lot of back problems which have meant although I'm a regular exerciser, running has not been part of my regime - until now.

I have managed several treadmill runs this week and am planning some outdoor runs early next week. There is something incredibly great about running, even at my slow plodder kind of speed. Even on the treadmill, i-pod in my ears, it is sometimes a real effort not to join in and sing along out loud. Do you know what I mean?........ No? ......... Must just be me then!

I hope you make time to do a bit of what you love doing this weekend.
Have a good one.

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