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Friday, 12 June 2009


Well, I'm back..... almost four weeks after my last post.
Sadly my Nan died during this time and although not altogether unexpected, she had Alzheimer's disease for several years, it really shook the roots of my world.

A combination of annual and compassionate leave from work meant that I was away from the surgery for almost three weeks. I've been back here almost a week now after one of the longest months of my life.

My Nan made a huge difference to the lives of other people, not just in our immediate family, but in the wider world. In 2002 she was awarded an MBE by The Queen for services to charity. She and my late grandfather between them put in over 112 years of service to The League of Friends at their local hospital. They were amazing people.

There are wonderful people like them all around the place, quietly working away for the greater good without a thought for themselves. Wouldn't it be great if we heard more about inspiring people like this? Why does the media focus on Real Madrid buying Cristiano Ronaldo for £ 80 million whilst millions die of malaria in Africa for want of a £ 5 mosquito net? You know how much I love football...... but even to me, that's obscene.

Look around you, at your local community. Find out what's going on and think how you can get involved. Now more than ever in this mad, money-driven culture, it's time for us all to start putting something back. Contact me and let me know what you are doing.

So enjoy your weekend and may the sun shine on us all. The blog will resume as normal next week.

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