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Wednesday, 17 June 2009


A great quotation for you today, one that really made me think.

"The question isn't who is going to let me, it is who is going to stop me!"

Ayn Rand  from "The Fountainhead"

I love things like this, subtle mind-shifts that allow you to stop feeling like a victim and begin acting as the creator of your life. Too much time these days is spent responding to circumstances, rather than designing our lives.

This begins with knowing what you want..... allowing yourself to dream.
Richard Bandler is quoted as saying "Would you get in a taxi if you didn't know where you wanted to go?" What would you say to the driver? Remember, when it comes to your life - you are the driver. Too many of us focus on what we don't want rather than getting clear about where we really want to be going.

Once the destination is established it's about taking responsibility for the journey....... and remember...... Who's going to stop you?

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