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Friday, 27 June 2008


This afternoon, I arrived at the school gate earlier than planned.

Whilst waiting for the bell to ring and unleash my son and 200 others into the weekend, I watched some younger kids playing on the field.

It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and they were having a great time.
They chased eachother about and rolled repeatedly down the small grassy bank without a care in the world. Quite right too, they were only about nine years old, but it made me think about how differently they'd be behaving in a few short years time....

Most of the adults I know would worry about getting grass stains, making their hayfever worse, hurting themselves or simply what the hell they looked like whilst they were doing it. Whatever happened to the carefree abandon of their youth!

The kids also looked totally absorbed in what they were doing. They weren't distracted by anything around them. They were simply playing, having fun and were right there, right in the moment.

The ability to abandon yourself to fun and to get completely lost in what you are doing is something that's all to easy to lose in adulthood.

When did you last really enjoy yourself.? I mean in a laugh out loud, couldn't care less kind of way? When were you last totally absorbed in something you really wanted to do?

Lots of things change as we grow up, but sometimes we could learn a thing or two from the kids. I'll tell you what - if you don't tell mine that, I won't tell yours!

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