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Monday, 30 June 2008


What's the best decision you've ever made? And the worst?
Why sometimes is it easy to make a decision whilst at other times you can just stare at the choices and glaze over? What's the difference?

Let's look at this a bit more. How do you know when you've made a good decision? Or a bad one?
Sometimes the answer is obvious - your Grand National horse romps home at 100-1 or you look the wrong way crossing the road and the bus runs over your foot!

Other times it's more subtle.....
So how do you know? Is it an intuitive, gut feeling sort of thing? Do you need others to tell you you were right, or do you just know

How do you decide?
Do you weigh up all the options, carefully researching  every possibility in detail, or are you more of an Andy from Little Britain, "I want that one!" Two extreme positions of course and like most people I'm sure you are somewhere in-between. But it's worth thinking about, if you haven't already, just how do you make a decision?

Think back to your best decisions, those you were most happy with. I bet these were made in the way that you are most comfortable with. For those that didn't turn out so well - think about why, what was different on those occasions?

The point here is to look for the patterns that work for you and repeat them. 

Oh - one small correction from last time..... I'm told by my son it was Watchdog who featured the voice recognition software problems with the Nintendo DS, not the Gadget Show. My sons looked at me in that pitying way only kids can do, as if to say..... "don't you know anything?" Maybe I need to get that Brain Training game back out again!

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