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Thursday, 3 July 2008


Watching the news these days can be a depressing business.
From global economic downturn to violent crime on our streets, it would be all too easy to believe that our world is a very nasty place to be. Is this really the case? Are things so much worse than they used to be, or are we just being fed a diet of bad news by the media?

Interest rates, although rising, are much lower than they were in the 70's. Our inflation rates too, although creeping up, would be the envy of many parts of the world.

So why would they have us believe that we've never had it so bad and more importantly, what effect does this have on the way that we think?

I firmly believe that you get more of what you focus on. If you surround yourself with gloom and doom, guess what you'll see more of?

When we are told that times are tough, whether we believe that or not, that's the time to focus on the positives around us. What is the best thing in your life right now? What do you have to be thankful for? Think about this, really answer these questions for yourself and as you do so, start to see, hear and feel all those wonderful things in your life.

Don't let other people tell you the world is all bad. Focus on your own life, remember what works for you and take that positivity with you whenever you step outside your door.

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