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Tuesday, 15 July 2008


"Tempus Fugit" (Latin = time flies) was the inscription on the subdial in Doug's garden - and how true that was for me yesterday......

My Dad has lived in Thailand for the last 8 years and is currently back here for a month long stay at our house. During this, I've been able to take time off work and go with him to visit some old family friends. Many of these I haven't seen for years, but they look just the same. What gets me is how old they are now. My Dad is 66. He's like a cross between Rolf Harris, Billy Connolly and his hero Michael Palin. His friends are similar ages, or even 70. The talk was of driving licence renewal and hospital appointments.....

In my head, these people are all in their early 40's........ my age!  So how does that work then? What happened to the intervening years?
They've mostly been lucky enough to achieve lots of things and enjoy reasonable health but how those last few years have sped by.

Most of us think that good things will last forever, that we can postpone our dreams until some time in the future when the kids have left home or we've retired. "I'll do that one day". That day, if we're lucky enough to get it at all, will come around much quicker than we think.

Enjoy each day for it's own sake and don't postpone the achievement of your dreams.
Never let the word "unfulfilled" apply to you.
Get out there, grab your life by the scruff of the neck and chase that dream!

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