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Saturday, 12 July 2008


Right now, I'm reading two books. I always like to have two books on the go at once, usually very different ones. 

One is "Making History", by Stephen Fry. Fantastic. I love his writing. There is something fascinating about him. As I read his books I feel a connection with him that oozes out of every page. At a fantasy dinner party, he'd definitely be on my guest list, with Nelson Mandela, Tony Benn...... I digress.

The second is "The Five People You Meet in Heaven", by Mitch Albom. It explores the life of Eddie, through people he meets in heaven. They help him make sense of his life. He worries that he has wasted his days, working as a maintenance man in a theme park. He compares himself to his father, whom he thought made little of himself and uses the wonderful phrase - "He sat down in his life".

That really made me think....... how many of us are sitting down in our lives?
It's all too easy to stay in a comfortable rut, not fully satisfied with where you are but nervous to venture out of your comfort zone.

Making changes can be anxiety provoking, but the benefits can go far beyond what you ever imagined. Take your courage in hand and take the first step today towards the life you've always dreamed of.

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