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Thursday, 10 July 2008


This morning, I drove to work alone. Instead of joining me, my younger son caught the bus to secondary school, alongside big brother, for his induction day. Normally he's a cool and calm little dude, but today he was very nervous.

Why? Anticipation......

He'd been wound up by stories of high jinx on the bus and kids getting lost in the endless school corridors.....forever. It reminded me of being a fresher at medical school. A rumour went around that the pate being served at freshers' dinner was really dog food. "What will we do?" type conversations filled the bar before the meal..... It was nonsense of course, much to everyone's relief but I well remember the completely unnecessary feeling of dread!

Of course anticipation can be a very positive thing. Looking forward to an event that you know will be enjoyable is all part of the fun. Savouring in detail what's about to happen, picturing it in your head, hearing and feeling it before it happens......great!

What I'm trying to say is, if we all spent less time worrying about what we can't change, the world would be a very much better place. Concentrate your efforts on the one thing you can change - YOU. Aim to make yourself the person you've always wanted to be........ and the rest of the world will take care of itself.

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