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Thursday, 26 June 2008


It's not been an easy week, but it's made me think.......

Yesterday I attended the funeral of a much loved former colleague. 
Not only was he the founder of the practice I am lucky enough to be a partner in, but he was something of a local hero. A real old style GP and an inspiration to all who knew him.
Although already retired, he died prematurely, without getting as much time as he might have hoped for to spend with his family and pursue his many interests.

This week also marks the first anniversary of a near death experience for one of my closest friends. She survived a freak accident and emergency surgery - thank God.

Both these events have made me reflect both on the fragility of life and of the need to really make the most of every day. 
Do you have things you want to achieve one day?
Things you'll do when the kids are older/you've paid off your mortgage/you've retired?
Why are you waiting? What small step can you take today to move you a little closer to your dream?

None of us know how much time we will be lucky enough to have, so why not concentrate right now on really making the most of every day?
Joe Vitale speaks about how many people who have lost someone close to them wish to have just one more day with them. To tell them all the things they always wanted to say to them and to do all the things they'd been wanting to do.

Why wait until something like that happens?
Why not start, right now, to make this your one more day......

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