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Tuesday, 7 October 2008


An interesting thought occured to me yesterday whilst out walking my dog. As I crossed the bridge over the by-pass I was buffeted my quite a strong wind, but as I walked on down across the next field towards home, I looked across at the wind turbine about a quarter of a mile away.... it wasn't moving.

It made me think about how being in one envirnment doesn't necessarily mean you have to be experiencing the same conditions as someone very close to you. Think of "the credit crunch". Turn on the TV, open the paper, listen to the radio - you'd be forgiven for thinking it was all doom and gloom.... but it doesn't have to be like that. You can choose to maintain your own positive mental state, whatever else may be going on around you.

Don't waste your energy stressing about things that you can't directly influence. Instead, devote your time and effort to making the very best you can of the one thing within your control - you!

So don't just sigh and be dragged down with all the rest, you're better than that. You have all the resources within you to succeed, it's just a case of recognising and using them. Others may buckle but you are strong - remember, we are like tea bags - we don't know how strong we are until we get into hot water! Recognise and acknowledge your own strength today.... and let your flavour flood out!

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