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Wednesday, 29 October 2008


Not a post about cars..... even though my boys expose me to Top Gear far more than is good for a person. Nor an opportunity for me to daydream about an XK8 convertible, antigua blue...... perhaps not today at least. Southern softies like me aren't used to snow.

No, I'm talking about what motivates you to achieve what you want to do? Understanding this goes a long way to helping you reach your goals. Do you really want that new car, bigger house, new job etc. for yourself - or are you chasing it to fulfill what you feel is expected of you?

It's not just about knowing what you want..... it's about understanding why you want it. Your subconscious mind is really clever, much more clever than any bits that you and I have control over. Thank goodness, as it's the bit that stops us wrapping ourselves around a tree when our mind wanders driving home at night. If your subconscious mind knows you don't really want what you say you want, or want it just to please someone else.... then guess what? You won't get it. Your subconscious will find some way of preventing it from happening. This is called self-sabotage.

Think about one of those New year's resolutions you made, that didn't come to anything. Maybe you kept them up for a few days and then..... you slipped back to your old habits. The most likely reason is that you self-sabotaged. Not only must you really want what you claim to want, but you must be prepared to walk the talk to get it.

Next time you think you want something, consider why you want it too. This will get your subconscious mind on-board too. Now there's a safe driver for you......

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