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Thursday, 2 October 2008


In the last post I talked about changing your definition of success - to make it easier for you to succeed. Another great way to feel better about yourself is to imagine that you are already successful and behave accordingly - a technique called acting as if.

Try this. Think about a time when you achieved something you were really proud of. Maybe it was a struggle but you dug in there and you did it. Well done! How did you feel? Really go back into that memory and recall the feeling that you had then. How were you standing? What was your expression? How were you feeling inside? Really make that memory as vivd as you can.

Adopt those postures now..... yes, right now. Go on, it's only you and me here!
Stand up right now, really stand up straight and put your shoulders back. Take some deep breaths in and out and feel really powerful, proud and unstoppable. Feels good doesn't it!
Even without consciously thinking about what's going on inside you, just by changing the way you stand, putting on a smile etc. really affects the way you feel inside. The old saying "chin up" really works. It's hard to feel glum for too long when you do that.

This is called changing your physiology and you can do it deliberately. You can choose to feel better. You can act as if you feel better.... and you will.

Not only that, but the way you look externally affects how people treat you. Think about it. If you walk into a room full of people and look confident, smiling and composed, others look at you and treat you as a confident person. They don't know how you might be feeling on the inside!
Once you get this response from others it gets even easier to behave in this way - and before you know it..... you don't need to do it deliberately any more.

So go on - try it today. Act as if you feel on top of the world. I'll see you up there!

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