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Tuesday, 30 September 2008


What do you mean by success?
How do you know when you have succeeded?
If these sound like silly questions...... think again!

Think about it, we don't all mean the same thing by "success" or "failure".
If you feel great when you succeed and bad when you fail - then why not move the goalposts?

Let's take "failure". Now as regular readers will know, I am a huge fan of NLP and I try to live by one of the presuppositions of NLP - "There is no failure - only feedback". Let's say you've tried to do something and you feel you've failed - how do you know? Who made the rules that define it? How much better would your life be if you could re-write those rules and make it almost impossible to fail? Well you can.....

Instead of saying "I've failed if I don't do this absolutely perfectly to the satisfaction of everybody around me", try saying, "I've only failed if I give up part way through, or don't even bother to try". Anything else isn't failure - you've tried, it hasn't worked out - so you can use what you've learned from that experience to try again..... and again if needs be! Thomas Edison took over 900 attempts to design the electric light-bulb. Luckily he didn't see these as failures - or we might all be sitting in the dark!

Same with success - re-define it for yourself to make it much easier to achieve. Maybe just getting to the end of the day in one piece might constitute success. Perhaps it will be knowing that you did the very best that you could, whatever the outcome was.

Take some time today to look at how you define success and failure and make it easy on yourself. You can make up your own rules - so why make it hard for yourself? Start today. Write down a new definition of both success and failure for yourself and start to move those goalposts. You really are the master of your own destiny - make it easy to be the best you can be.

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