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Saturday, 6 September 2008


Those of you who, like me, love the film "Dead Poets' Society", starring Robin Williams, may remember that this was his mantra for the students. He used it to inspire his initially reluctant class to great things. Remember how they all stood up on their desks one by one?

Today's post is not about clambering on your furniture - what you get up to in the privacy of your own home is none of my business! It is about really making the most of every opportunity that comes your way. 

I believe that we make our own luck. I don't accept that certain people are born lucky. I think they just get out there and make the most of everything that comes their way. It's all too easy to sit back and blame fate for dealing you a bad hand. Why not just get out there and play the best game that you can with what you've been given?

Joe Vitale has a lot to say about this in his various books. I especially like "The Attractor Factor". It's great to listen to on your I-pod in the gym. You feel as if you're stretching your mind as well as your body. One of his favourite sayings is "The Universe loves speed". Once an idea comes to you, whether you believe it's from God or the Divine or wherever - you need to act on it fast. Have you ever had a good idea, done nothing about it and then found soon afterwards that someone else has done the very thing that you didn't? I certainly have - and it's really annoying!

If you know something is right for you, even if it seems a little different or a little risky right now - try just doing it. Don't delay and leave yourself open to the hollow, empty feeling of what might have been..... rather like Anthony Hopkins' character in "The Remains of the Day" - one of my favourite films of all time. Make sure you really seize the day!

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