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Monday, 22 September 2008


Is it just me or is the news getting more depressing?
I'm beginning to wonder why I tune in to the BBC news in the evening these days......

Of course one needs to keep up to date, but you need to balance that against how receiving that information can make you feel. Coupled with this, I think the news is becoming less about world events and more about a select few people's opinions about those events. I want to be able to make up my own mind about the stories, I don't need to be told what to think!

Not only that, but if we're not alert to it, the way that the news or other broadcasting gets into our lives can really influence our mood. What would you rather wake up to - a soothing piece of music or a propaganda-laden radio piece about the state of the economy? What gets you in a better frame of mind - something light and amusing or a heavy item about a pandemic flu epidemic that might never happen?

Don't get me wrong - I'm not advocating sticking your head in the sand and ignoring what's going on out there. We all need to be aware of the state of our world and make a positive contribution towards it. What I'm saying is, choose what information you receive and when you receive it. Take control of what you read, listen to and watch. Don't just sit passively by and get "fed" what others might want you to believe. You know you are better than that and you know you deserve more. When are you going to start taking back that control?

I've begun by choosing not to listen to the news first thing in the morning or last thing at night. It affects my preparation for the day or my relaxation before sleep. I keep up to date in the day, I know what's going on - but I check this out when I'm ready to hear it. Anyone fancy joining me?

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