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Saturday, 27 September 2008


"No man is an island....." (John Donne)

Have you ever heard yourself saying, "I don't need anyone...!" Probably more in bad times than good, maybe after feeling let down or rejected by someone. Self-sufficiency is an admirable trait but there's an argument for saying that we are not really whole somehow unless we are interacting with others and contributing to society in a larger sense.

 This week I joined a networking group as a way of further expanding my circle of business contacts. As well as being very enjoyable from a social point of view it was very fruitful too. It really brought home to me the importance of establishing and building relationships. It soon became apparent that many of us had similar interests and ideas and could think about working synergistically. Not only that, but people there know a whole cohort of other people, who also have other contacts of their own.... and so it goes on. Helping others really does make you feel good.... it's like sowing seeds for the future, yours and theirs.

People need people. We work best when we do it together. Think about who you know. What do you get from each of those relationships? Are they with supportive and like-minded individuals, or are they draining you of your energy and enthusiasm? Take some time over the next couple of days to think about that.

It's not every day you'll meet a person with whom you feel you can truly connect, but when you do, make sure that they know how much you appreciate them. Take some time this weekend to let your special people know just how much they mean to you. Your investment will be repaid a thousand fold.

Have a peaceful weekend.

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