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Tuesday, 9 September 2008


What do you believe that is holding you back?
Maybe you think you're too old to achieve what you want to, or too young?
Perhaps you believe you don't deserve to be successful?

Have you ever thought where beliefs like this come from...... or of the restrictions they place upon you? If for example you believe that you don't deserve to be wealthy - your subconscious mind will spurn all sorts of opportunities to make money. This will stop you getting wealthy, but you "didn't think you deserved to" anyway.... and so it goes on.

These sort of beliefs are known as limiting beliefs. Ofetn they come from comments made by parents or teachers many years before. Authority figures who we regarded as "experts". Without realising it we may still be believing that we are "no good at maths"..... and what is worse - still acting accordingly.

What if you could change those beliefs, how would life be for you then?
Can you imagine how life would be if you just knew that you deserved to have abundance?
How would your life look? How would it feel? Not just now but in 5 or 10 years time?
Really let yourself bask in that great feeling!

Try adopting a new belief. For example - if you currently believe that you don't deserve to be wealthy - try restating this as a new positive belief eg. I deserve to have abundance in my life.
Feel as if that belief is already true for you. It might feel a bit awkward at first, but with practice it will get much easier. Then try acting as if it is already true for you. You'll be surprsied, it won't be long before others start acting in accordance with this to.

The key to change is you - remember, you'll never rise above your own opinion of yourself.
Start today, adopt a new positive belief and begin to create the life you know you deserve!

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