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Wednesday, 31 December 2008


Have you ever watched "The Secret Millionaire" on Channel 4?
If not, you've missed a treat and I'd urge you to look out for the next series.

The idea of the programme is that a millionaire goes undercover into a community, does voluntary work for a few weeks and then donates some of their own money to some of the good causes they have worked with. It is a really heart-warming watch as you see them taken out of their comfort zone, made to live on £8 a day and become part of the local community. They give 10's of thousands of pounds to the projects, even £ 250,000 was given last series. The donations make such an enormous difference to the community projects and it is wonderful to see the look on the faces of those who have strived tirelessly for years, now knowingly that their project can expand and thrive thanks to the donations.

But the real winners are the millionaires themselves. They always get much more out of it than the people they give the money to. For many of them, the programme has been a turning point in their lives, realising that there is so much more to life than the pursuit of money and possessions. The follow-up programme earlier this week showed that not only have the projects continued but the relationships formed have thrived too. The millionaires really grew as people. 

It can be all too easy to focus in on ourselves and to concentrate on the needs of ourselves and our immediate family. The lesson of a programme like this is surely that there can be so much joy for us in giving and in contributing to our community in a wider sense.

So with the New Year almost upon us, what can you do to make a difference in your community? Maybe you can donate money to a local charity or give up some time to take part in a voluntary project. If we all gave a little bit of ourselves, the world would be a much better place. Why not start thinking about what you can do to help others in 2009. Talk to family and friends - make it fun. Everyone I know who volunteers says they get far more out of it than they ever realised was possible.

I wish you a wonderful 2009. May peace be with us all.
 I leave you with the words of Ghandi:

"Be the change you want to see in the world."

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