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Thursday, 4 December 2008


I recently read a great quote about optimists. Unfortunately I couldn't remember the author as I sat down to write this.

"Optimists see stumbling blocks as stepping stones".

Often situations can appear very different depending on how you look at them. Starting off in a positive, resourceful frame of mind is a great way to see the best in any given situation. Realising that there will always be some unexpected problems - and not dwelling on them when they occur, helps too. Regard any setbacks as temporary challenges, rather than almighty great blocks in your way. When things go wrong, try and take something positive from the experience - learn something and move on.

Try to focus on the solution rather than on the problem. This keeps your mind working on ways to make things better. Thinking like this really makes a difference - try it. You'll be amazed at how creative you can become at solving what seemed previously to be insoluble problems.

Once you start getting results, you'll begin to expect things to go well. As regular readers will know, there is good evidence that you get more of what you focus on...... so more things will go well in the future. Being optimistic means that you start to look for the best in other people too. When you're not expecting them to let you down you'll begin to see how you can help eachother instead.

I like this stone analogy as it says much more than the glass half full or half empty one. It conveys a dynamism and energy through the idea of stepping forward into a brighter future - now that's got to be worth a try!

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