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Thursday, 18 December 2008


It's all too easy at this time of year to get caught up in the preparations for Christmas and lose sight of what is going on in the wider world. The media of course do their best to stop this from happening - their daily tales of doom and gloom fill our TV screens, papers and radio waves even more than before.

We are continually being told that we are in recession and this can sometimes make it feel as if nothing is good in our world. But oh how wrong that would be.......

I was hugely touched recently by the story of a man in San Diego who lost his wife and child after a light aircraft struck their house. I heard him interviewed soon afterwards and although obviously devastated by what had happened, he still found time to say that he forgave the pilot (who survived) as he didn't want the pilot's whole life to be ruined regretting what had happened. I found his humility and courage incredibly moving.

On a different and much lighter note, I recently attended my boys' school's version of X factor. It was a talent show open to the whole school. Auditions had been held 2 months previously and the dozen or so kids who performed on the night were the finalists. Several of the kids were very talented, you couldn't fail to be impressed by them..... but what impressed me more were the others who were just brave enough to get up there and try. I'd love to say that this included my boys........maybe next year guys!

It's always easier not to. It takes real guts to stand up and have a go at something - be that singing in a talent show,starting a new business or whatever. It involves stepping out of your comfort zone and taking a risk. I want to say good for you to all those who try something new - why not let that be you? What is the worst that can happen? If you don't try and achieve something you'll never know just how much you can do. It will always be much more than you think. So set your sights high and decide to step outside your comfort zone in pursuit of your dream.

As Oscar Wilde once said - "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars".

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