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Monday, 10 November 2008


Day three of my Master Practitioner course in Birmingham.
You'll be pleased to hear it's eventually stopped raining and I've sussed out the way to the gym..... without needing to resort to buying a map!

We concentrated today on strategies. Just how do you take a decision? What strategy do you use? Maybe you hadn't really thought about it before, it's not something that I'd spent much time on previously either. We looked at the seemingly simple example of how we had each chosen what to eat the previous day....... simple it was not!

It was amazing to discover the different strategies that we all used. The combinations of building mental pictures of the dishes, tasting them in our minds and talking to ourselves about them was fascinating. We looked in more detail at how the position of those pictures and the location of those voices affected how we felt about them.

Although it can vary in different situations, individuals tend to take decisions in one of a few ways that become familiar to them - their own strategies. Think back to a decision you've made recently. Try and think about how you made it. What steps did you go through to get there? How did you know that it was the right decision for you? Maybe you think that you just knew it had to be a certain way, but I bet if you allow yourself to, you'll discover many steps before then. 

So next time you decide something, remember, there's much more behind it than you thought. When now would be a good time to start to study it?

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