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Saturday, 22 November 2008


It's been a busy couple of weeks for me but life is now beginning to settle down again. I am back from Birmingham having successfully completed my course and so am now a Master Practitioner of NLP. I'm also back in my GP surgery as well as keeping very busy with my coaching clients.

Whilst on the course we looked at Time Distortion and at the sub-modalities of fast and slow time. Let me explain......

Think about a time when you were really having fun, doing something you loved doing. Perhaps a favourite sport or hobby, or spending time with friends or family. I bet time just seemed to fly by didn't it? Now think about a time when you were worried, nervous or bored. How slowly did the time seem to pass then.....?

Try and really think yourself back into those experiences as if you were reliving them right now. Notice what the pictures look like, how big they are, what the colours are like, if they are bright or dim, blurry or focused. Notice the location of the image for you. Are there any sounds associated with time passing quickly, or any feelings? Do the same with a slow time event. There are no right or wrong answers, just take some time to notice what it means for you. With practice you can then adapt the qualities or sub-modalities of an experience to allow you to make it feel as if time is passing faster or more slowly then in reality.

You won't want to feel as if you've spent hours queueing at the bank but you might want other experiences to be enjoyed for longer. Try it. I used parts of this technique in the gym on Wednesday and an hour of cycling just flew by. I used one of the recumbant bikes whilst re-reading Richard Bandler's "Trance Formations." Reading allows me to concentrate solely on the area directly in front of me with total attention. I was vaguely aware of my surroundings but they were blurry. The first time I looked up, 48 minutes (and more importantly, 350 calories!) had passed. 

So next time it seems as if time is passing very fast or too slowly - think about what's happening and learn how to use it to your advantage. Have a great weekend.

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