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Monday, 24 November 2008


One of my sons has written "one month until Christmas" on our calendar for tomorrow. It made me smile and remember that now old fashioned saying of X number of shopping days left before Christmas.... that was before every day became a potential shopping day. Don't get me started on that!

So as you look back on 2008, how do you feel? What have you achieved? What is still left for you to do? What unexpected events did you have to cope with and how did these challenges help you to grow? What could have gone better? How would you handle these situations now if you could wind the clock back? Think of this as a learning exercise - there is always something to be gained from every experience, even if it seems like a negative one at the time. Remember the NLP presupposition I'm so fond of..... No failure, only feedback.

It will soon been New Year, with all that that entails, the traditional time for looking ahead and planning changes. Why not get in there early this year and start thinking now about what you want to get out of your life next year. What needs to happen for you to reach your goals?

Maybe you have old limiting beliefs getting in your way? NLP is a great way of tackling these. A Master Practitioner like myself could really help you look at why you believe a particular thing and examine the evidence supporting it. Often by doing this and really looking critically at why you think that way, an old belief will just melt away - to be replaced by a new, much more supportive one.

Getting support from a coach really makes a difference when it comes to making your desired changes. Why not put yourself at the top of your own list for once and treat yourself to some coaching sessions? You will be making an investment in your own future. I promise you you'll be very glad that you did.

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