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Wednesday, 12 November 2008


I'm now at the end of day 5 of my nine day Master Practitioner course and what a couple of days it's been since my last post.

Yesterday was devoted entirely to hypnosis and practising taking eachother into and out of trance. This was mind-blowing enough but was nothing compared to the Deep Trance Identification work we did in the afternoon - absolutely awesome. The consensus in the bar afterwards was that it would have been worth the course fee just for that - fantastic. I was the demonstration subject for this and quite honestly wouldn't have believed what happened if it hadn't have been happening to me....

The sheer buzz in the room was unbelievable, you really did need to be there to understand it. We're becoming very close as a group and that fact that there are only eight of us means we get pretty much individual attention from Mark, our trainer.

Today, we looked at decision making, beliefs and logical levels. Learning as always being re-inforced by trance phenomena throughout - amazing.

You'll also be glad to know that I've now got the geography of Birmingham well sorted and have learned to play Texas Hold 'em Poker. Not only that but I cleaned the others out..... before we got chucked out of the bar.... despite only playing for chips..."rules are rules I'm afraid'. Me thinks we should have seen the manager coming and done a pattern interrupt...... maybe next time!

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