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Tuesday, 8 July 2008


Sometimes it's all too easy to spend your time rushing from one thing to the next, without ever stopping to enjoy your life right now. Does this sound familiar to you?

"He who is not content with what he has now, will not be content with what he would like to have." Socrates

Don't misunderstand me. I'm a life coach, setting goals is vital, but if you can't truly appreciate what you already have- you may never be happy with what you think you want.

Start to feel grateful for your life as it is today. Really focus in on all that is precious to you, on what makes your life so special and unique. Begin to imagine how your life can get even better - in all sorts of wonderful ways.

Joe Vitale talks about this in his book The Attractor Factor.
It contains the wonderful quote:
"I am totally satisfied, I just want more! (without needing it)"
The not needing it bit is important - don't get too hung up about it.
Enjoy your life now, it's great. If it improves further - even better!

The point is this. You only live this moment once - so make the most of it.
Don't waste it fretting about past events you can't change or use all your energy in planning for tomorrow.

It's a beautiful world out there - let's make the most of now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Michelle, I have finally figured out how to leave a comment on here. I really like this blog. Developing 'An Attitude of Grattitude' is a wonderful practice adopt daily. Being grateful for the food on your table, the clothes that you wear and having clean running hot and cold water makes us wealthier than a 3rd of the nations who live in impovorished conditions.