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Thursday, 15 January 2009


Many of my clients describe to me the feeling of being "overwhelmed".
Modern life seems to lead to many people feeling as if there is always too much to do and too little time. The feeling of pressure seems unrelenting and leaves a sense of never really doing anything well enough. Sound familiar?

When faced with such a feeling I encourage my clients to take a step back and really look after themselves. It's what Cheryl Richardson refers to in one of her books as "extreme self care".
Looking after yourself as well as you can means a fitter, healthier and happier you - much more able to help and support others and generally a much nicer person to be around.

How can this be achieved though, when there is always so much else to do?

I encourage my clients to take some "me time" - regular, definite, well-defined blocks of time that can be used purely for you. Cross that time out in your diary and really look forward to it. Work a bit harder, or preferable a bit smarter either side of it - but keep it free at all costs. When it comes round - turn off you phone, computer, blackberry - whatever...... and just do whatever it is that you really enjoy. Recharging your batteries in this way on a regular basis will really pay off. Believe it or not, the world will survive if you don't reply to your emails for a few hours! When you come back, you'll feel refreshed, re-energised and ready to take on the world.

It can sometimes feel as if you are trying to do too much. That's why I love this quote from Scott Sorrell so much:

"You make the world a better place, by making yourself a better person".

If you want to see something change for the better - start by changing yourself. Go for it! When now is a good time to take that first step?

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