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Friday, 9 January 2009


Yesterday's blog was all about feeling good. I talked about how you can make your goals even more attractive to your subconscious mind by creating a really vivid picture for yourself of your goal having already been achieved. Did you do it? How great did it make you feel? I referred to this in a previous blog as "Nevillizing" your goal - after Neville Goddard who first described this.

Before we can achieve any lasting change we need to get ourselves into the right state of mind. This mental rehearsal is vital. Thinking about how great something will feel once it is achieved is a huge step towards actually doing it. If you really want it, your subconscious will help you find a way to get it.

It's a great habit to develop to mentally rehearse something that you want to make happen. Once you get yourself into that great state it is so much easier to actually accomplish it.

Letting others know what you are trying to achieve also works really well too. Sharing your goals with those close to you can really help fire you on to achieve them. You know that other people will be looking out for you and checking up on you, in a supportive, non-critical way.

Why not let other people know what you want to achieve in 2009? Share that great feeling of determination and inspiration with others. You could start by sharing this blog with your friends and family. Since I started it, this blog has been read in about 15 countries and about 6 states of the USA. If you enjoy it - tell your friends about it. Why not send it to them using the link below?

Look at it this way. If you and I both have an apple and we exchange apples.......we've still got one apple each. If we each have an inspiring idea and we exchange ideas....... we've now got TWO ideas each. Ideas, love and inspiration really do make the world go round. How good will you feel to know that not only have you benefited from reading this but that you've passed it on to others too? Spread the love.

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