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Wednesday, 7 January 2009


How did you start your day off today?
Before you answer that, I'm referring to how you started it mentally - I'm not looking for the details of your bathroom routine..... as my kids would say "TMI" (which for anyone older than 15 and not a parent of teenagers = too much information!)

Did you wake up expecting a great day or did you open your eyes, hear the latest credit crunch news on the radio and wish you hadn't bothered? In general do you expect things to go well for you or is do you find it easier to keep your head down and expect nothing - so you're never disappointed? The problem is with the latter approach - you're rarely excited either! 

There is great evidence to suggest that you get more of what you focus on. If you hop out of bed with a smile on your face and anticipate that your day will go fantastically, you're far more likely to notice the really good things going on - things that are going on around you all the time that you don't otherwise notice. 

Try this. Stop reading for 30 seconds and look around the room you are in and mentally note all the blue things you can see............ have you done it?...................OK now try and recall all the brown things in the room? Hang on..... yes I did change the colour the second time! My point is, you probably only noticed what you were looking for. Look for the happiness around you - there's more it about than you realised.

Whatever is going on in the world, at some level, you have a choice. You can let the doom and gloom get to you or you can choose to rise above it. Choose to appreciate what is positive in your life and begin to make yourself someone that others look to for inspiration.

Being happy is a positive decision - take it for yourself today!

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