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Monday, 19 January 2009


According to the "experts", whoever they may be, today is officially the most depressing day of the year. The day by which most people have given up on their New Year resolutions and realised how much debt they are in after Christmas. That coupled with the cold weather and long dark nights is supposed to make us feel worse today than on any other day.

Not in my house!

Now admittedly we've had a birthday in our house today. One of my sons is 13. I am now the mother of a teenager - maybe that should be depressing.... but no!

Why do the media bother with stories like this? How do they make most people feel? I doubt I'm in the majority by laughing and saying "ooh I don't think so." Another example of how the media try to manipulate and control us. 

As I've said in an earlier blog, I now don't watch the news last thing at night. I don't want my nocturnal peace invaded by Robert Peston's brand of economic gloom and doom. I firmly believe you get more of what you focus on. If you spend your time being told that the world is a dreadful place then that's how you'll start to feel. More than that, you'll look out for all the things out there that back this up - and ignore all evidence to the contrary.

It's the same with your mood. Focus on what is great in your life at the moment. It might be something really small. You might have to think for a while to find it..... but there'll be something. Be grateful for and appreciate all that we do have.

We live in a world with many advantages. Most of us enjoy good health. We have access to sanitation and clean running water. Education is available and communication and travel have never been easier - the world really is becoming a smaller place. There is so much for us to be grateful for and to appreciate. 

So next time someone tells you something that is designed to bring you down - refuse to feel that way. Norman Vincent-Peale, the father of positive thinking said:

"Change your thoughts and you change your world".

Think great thoughts, appreciate all that you have and enjoy your life.
Remember - being happy is a positive decision. Now would be a great time to start!
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