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Tuesday, 13 January 2009


How are you getting on with those New Year's resolutions?
Hopefully you are still on track with your goals and really enjoying the process as well.
The aim of making changes is not only to achieve the desired outcome but to enjoy the journey too. For example - if getting fit was on the agenda for you and trips to the gym are one of your ways of achieving this, the aim is to make your gym visits as much a part of your life as say.... brushing your teeth. It's part of the new you.

If things aren't working out so well - all is not lost!
Don't give up if you've had the odd chocolate or "forgotten" to walk the dog on the odd occasion. The main thing is to recognise it, to acknowledge it and to move on.
OK so you might have slipped up today but tomorrow is another day entirely and you are still on track for your ultimate goal.

Remember - everything you do either takes you closer to your goal, or it doesn't.
If you keep taking steps towards your goals - however small they may be - you are going to get there! The main thing is to keep focussed.

Keep reviewing your progress too. I like to write down the progress I have made in a success journal. I spend 5 or 10 minutes in the evening, looking back at the day and noting down the positive steps I have taken towards my goals. Try it - it's really motivating.

If you are struggling or want some extra support along the way then why not hire a coach?
A coach is always there for you, is on your side and ready to stretch and challenge you. They can support you and keep you going when times get tough.

Remember the airline analogy. In an emergency, when the oxygen mask drops, you put your own one on before helping others to do the same. The better shape you are in - mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally - the better you'll be able to help and support those around you. Taking some "me time" - what Cheryl Richardson, the american coach, calls "extreme self -care"- is what many of us need to do right now.

Why not visit my website or email me on to discuss how we can work together. What better investment could you make in yourself this year?

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