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Thursday, 8 January 2009


How are you getting on with those New Year's resolutions?
Hopefully you're still on track. The important thing to remember is, if you slip for a day and maybe sneak a few chocolates when you said you weren't going to - don't give up! Don't think, oh well, I've blown it now..... See it as a temporary lapse and move on.

One technique that really helps to make your goals so much more worth chasing is to visualise that you are already there. Take out a piece of paper - it's not good enough just to think it, you have to actually write it - and imagine that you already have the thing that you are aiming for. For example - I am learning to speak french. My goal is to speak french fluently. I might write something along the lines of - I am sitting at the table of the cafe in the beautiful hill town in Provence. The sun is beautifully warm on my back. I am sipping an espresso whilst reading Le Monde and chatting effortlessly with the locals. Afterwards I pick up my bread, cheese and olives and walk back along the winding lane to my cottage......

Oooh, I enjoyed that...... actually I'm between patients in my evening surgery at my sub-urban general practice. In reality it's pitch black and freezing outside but thinking and writing like this makes me really want to pursue my goal even more than before. Did you notice that I wrote in the first person and added lots of detail. This was just the start of it but do you get the idea?

Try it now - I guarantee you'll feel great, not only whilst you're doing it but every time you re-read it too. When now is a good time to get started?

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