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Thursday 31 December 2009


It's been a day of mixed emotions today. A day of looking backwards and forwards.

One of my partners retired from the practice today. I've known her for almost 20 years and in that time she has been a role model, a mentor,a friend and a confidante. Losing someone like that from my daily life will take a bit of getting used to but I wish her a long, happy and well-deserved retirement. The mood about the place has been a bit subdued today. I'm now the senior female partner here..... a scary and rather sobering thought.

On the positive side, it is New Year's eve, the traditional time for setting those resolutions for next year.

Ask yourself - what do you want to create in your life that isn't there already?
How are you going to go about doing it? Make your goals really mean something and write them down. Try to focus on the process goals rather than just the end point.
For example - if your goal is to lose two stone in the next 4 months, think about how you are going to do it and make each of those hows a goal in itself. Each day, keep a track of how you did, for example - eating breakfast, not eating a biscuit midmorning, snacking only on fruit, watching your portion size etc. Keep a track of each of these process goals in a success journal. It really makes a difference.

As a coach, i don't believe we have to wait for New Year to make the changes we want to make, but now it's here let's grab it by the scruff of the neck and make the most of it!

Here's to wonderful 2010 to all my readers.
May you have a peaceful, happy, healthy and fulfilling New Year.
Make it your best one yet!

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