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Sunday, 10 August 2008


"You prove to me that there is a God and I'll come to mass!" announced my son this morning as we were getting ready. It was an attempt to be allowed to stay at home and watch the Olympics. As regular readers will know, I love sport and I adore the Olympics, but he wasn't going to get round me that easily....

"OK then", I said, "can you prove to me that there isn't a God? Who do you think is responsible for all the wonderful things in your life?" His initial blank look (think of Harry Enfield's Kevin character) was soon replaced by a more thoughtful one. I asked him how he thought he got his good health, ("yeah"), his food, ("whatever"), his home,("money"), his family, (no reply), his friends, (struggling now),his education, his opportunities? For once he said nothing.

I told him that it doesn't have to be about God in a formal sense. It's about the acknowledgement of the presence of a higher power - does it matter what you call it? I see attendance at a place of worship as a time of quiet reflection and a chance to say thank you for all that is great in your life. We have so many blessings. He got dressed without another word.

Just stop reading this for a second and think on this.....
I bet that wherever you are, you are warm enough and that you've eaten and drunk pretty recently. You are probably well clothed and the fact that you are reading this at all is testimony to that fact that you have internet access and the education to make that reading possible. That immediately puts you far ahead of a huge proportion of our world.

It's easy to forget as we dash about our busy lives, that we have so much to be gratfeul for. I think Socrates had it right when he said,
"He who is not contented with what he has, will not be contented with what he would like to have."

By all means aim for something better, but never forget to appreciate all that is already yours.

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