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Tuesday, 19 August 2008


Inspiration......Think about the best decisions you've ever made....

Have you ever struggled to make your mind up about something or struggled to work something out..... only to find that the answer just came to you when you weren't even trying to find it? That's what I mean by inspiration

How did it happen? What changed when you stopped trying to force the solution? Maybe something else took over, some other part of you, or some higher power? How did the answer get through to you? Ever thought that maybe it was there all along and that when you stopped trying to force it and just allowed it to bubble up..... there it was.

How often have you decided to sleep on it or go out for a walk before deciding something, or when stuck with a project? This does more than just change your environment for a while, it disengages your conscious mind and let's your unconscious mind (the clever bit) take over.

Most of us spend our days just using our conscious minds, deliberately thinking our way though life. So much of our brain power goes untapped when we do this as we literally block our unconscious mind from guiding us to the right solution.

So next time you are struggling with a decision, stopped trying to force a solution. Take a step back, listen to what your unconscious mind is telling you and allow the answer to come through to you.

Sometimes life can seem hard enough. Any excuse to try less hard has got to be worth a go!

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