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Wednesday, 20 August 2008


Have you ever made great plans to get things done and then somehow found that things just didn't work out? Did other things get in the way? Did you let them get in the way?

Sometimes, to achieve what you really want to - you need to put yourself first. In our culture, this is often seen as selfish..... but think of it like this, if you don't look after yourself, who else is going to? What good will a burnt-out you be to your family, your friends.... let alone to you?

Think about being on a plane. Once you've been shown where the emergency exits are and how to do up a seat-belt (can there be anyone left on the planet who doesn't know how to do that?), next it's the bit about the oxygen masks. We are told that if travelling with children, to put our own mask on before theirs - for the very same reason. If you can't breathe what good are you going to be at helping them?

How often do we do this though in our everyday lives?
How often do we set aside a few minutes just for ourselves...... to be.... whatever we want to be and do whatever we want to do? Why not try it, not just today but on a regular basis. Try and get into the habit of setting aside a regular bit of time just for yourself. Maybe to do an activity that you really enjoy, or maybe just for a bit of quiet "me time".

You'll soon notice the benefits, believe me. When now is a good time to start?

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