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Thursday, 21 August 2008


Have you ever had the experience of putting off doing something because you thought it was going to be a really big deal? Whenever you thought about it, it seemed like it was just too big to even try and do? Of course you have.....

What did you do? Probably, like most of us, you kept putting it off. Doing this causes several problems, not only does the task not get done but it reinforces your perceived difficulty of achieving it. Every time you intend to do something, but bottle out...... you build up those barriers in your mind. Before you know it, you believe you've got a real mountain to climb.

So much of the difficulty involved can be exaggerated in your head. Why not just do it - just imagine how good that's going to feel!

Don't let what you think about a task affect your ability to complete it. Try and see it for what it is, grab it by the scruff of the neck and get it done. Not only will you have achieved it but you'll be able to bask in the feeling of conquering those barriers in your mind.

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