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Friday, 8 August 2008


A powerful statement......

In my last blog I spoke of the need to ensure that your own happiness is not in the hands of others. Too often I see people who are allowing their present to be ruined by what happened in their past. The replaying of these past memories can be so destructive. You really do have a choice in this...... to draw a line in the sand, right now..... and move forward.

Richard Bandler, co-founder of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), uses the phrase, "You can't change the past, so why live in it?" For me, this encapsulates the idea of concentrating on the here and now, on what we do have the power to influence - ourselves.

Remember this - all change begins with you.

I believe if we all take responsibility for ourselves and be the best that we can be, the world will be a much better place. Modern culture seems to encourage just the opposite - it looks for someone to blame for the problems of the world. I believe we should just work on what we are able to change - ourselves - and put our trust in a higher power to look after the rest. Call this God, Divinity, The Universe - fill in the blank for yourself. It's not a religious thing as such, just an acknowledgement that there is something out there more powerful and more knowing than we will ever be.

There is a great prayer in Wayne Dyer's book "The Power of Intention", it goes like this:

Good Morning,
This is God,
I will be handling all your
Problems today.
I will not need
Your help so have
A miraculous day.

I think that says it all....... enjoy your day.

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