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Sunday, 31 August 2008


Health and wellbeing is one of the key areas of our lives, but what does being healthy mean to you? In order to achieve goals in this area it is vital to give some thought to this.

Ask yourself the question - What does being healthy mean to me?

Write down the first answer that comes to mind - perhaps it might be, living longer

Then ask it again, noting down your answer - perhaps, feeling fitter or avoiding serious illness.

Keep going until no new repsonses come to mind.

Now look at your list. Which is the most important to you of the answers you have written? The aim is to rank your responses and achieve a list, in order, of your health values.
Does your list surprise you? Look at your highest values. Is this where you are putting your energy right now? If not..... why not?

For me, the concept of wellness encompasses much more then just physical health. It means achieving balance in the areas of emotional and spiritual wellbeing too. At the root of all of this is loving yourself - if you do this you will feed your body the right foods, nourish it with the right drinks, exercise it and look after it every way that you can.

You need to start doing this, you need a healthy body - where else are you going to live?

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